Live events

Angela has hosted over 500 conferences, award ceremonies, public events and select gatherings at venues as diverse as Buckingham Palace and Wallman’s Circus in Copenhagen!

Angela was the best speaker we have ever used for an event and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her to other organisations looking for a ‘compere without comparison’!

Joe Ford

Marketing Manager, Clearvision

She did a fantastic job giving the event an aura of gravitas and yet at the same time being both sincere and witty.

It was a pleassure working with Angela and I give her my strongest recommendation.

Hermann Ørn Vidarsson

Conference Organiser, Technoport

Big Science Business Forum

Working with CERN, ESA, Fusion for Energy or the European Southern Observatory is always an honour.  But to work with them all at once?  Now THERE’s an amazing event!
Angela hosted the very first event in 2018 in Copenhagen, the second edition in 2022 in Granada and is looking forward to the 2024 event in Treiste.

Money 20/20

Money 20/20 is possibly the most innovative and fun money and fintech focused conference in the world.  With an audience of up to 14,000 it boasts multiple stages, evening socials and some of the most inspiring speakers you could wish for.  Angela hosted the main stage in Copenhagen and enjoyed every single minute of it.

Nuclear 2022

Angela was delighted to host Nuclear 2022, the annual event for professionals in the nuclear industry held at London’s County Hall, overlooking the Thames and Westminster.

Western Gateway 22

Angela hosted the Western Gateway Powerhouse event at the ICC Wales, where green power and focusing on talent and acapability to bring growth to the area were the hot topics.


Angela has hosted at Technoport – the Norwegian-based sustainability event – several times and it’s one of her very favourite events for the organiser’s ability to blend conference with awards, music and chat.

CIO Connect

Angela has hosted several CIO Connect conferences, where C-level tech execs enjoy a wide range of topics and speakers to keep them abreast of all the essential themes.  Inspiring speakers have included Brian Cox and many others.


Angela loved hosting this event for Clearvision because it wasn’t all ‘output’; the organiser had worked hard to think of really meaningful content and interactions to make it useful, memorable and fun.

SET Awards

Angela has hosted the Science, Engineering & Technology Awards 7 times so far…her ability to flawlessly present a script containing such winning project titles such as “Catalytic desymmetrisation of prochiral cyclohexanones” may, we suspect, have something to do with this!

Conference? Awards? Let's chat.

Angela has hosted over 500 live events including conferences, awards, panels and even a live record-breaking attempt!  Let’s chat about yours.

Call Hilary Knight

+44(0)1604 781818

Chaos Films Studio

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